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Nia Nudge ~ Introducing The Language of Nia: The 52 Moves


Nia Nudge and The 52 Moves  
Everything you ever wanted to know about the 52 moves right here in your in box – One move at a time.
Each week, The Nia Nudge will bring you:
more into sensation
more in your body
more body literate
This nudge will bring you into awareness and will make your Dance Through Life more  enjoyable.

What are the best Abdominal exercises?

The first things I tell people when they ask me about ab work are: that your abs are used in every exercise and movement that you do, you can work your abs every day (unlike other muscle groups that need recovery time), there are four ab muscle groups – you need to work all of them with different exercises, you cannot get a lean mid-section by crunches alone. This makes it sound like in Nia class there is a free extra ab work out. 

Finally (because everybody wants to know how) every body has a six-pack inside them. Unless you are one of the 15% of people who are genetically encoded to show them, you will not get the six-pack abs that you see in magazines. 

You see, your body loses weight (or fat) everywhere at the same time. Even if you are down to 11% body fat, it’s still unlikely that the six-pack will show.  However, you can have a pretty flat stomach and it can look pretty nice on your body. The rest of your body at this point will also look “shredded.”  (That’s bodybuilding jargon for very lean, cut and strong.)

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, here are my favorite ab exercises.  I want to warn you: some of these suck while you are doing them.  The pleasure principle does not apply here.  It will burn and it will surely make you whine. But it does get better over time and you will truly feel much fitter as your abs get strong. Read More→

How much water should I drink?

Picture of yellow tulips in the rain.Have you ever looked around outside after a spring rain? 

The world around looks like a magical wonderland; clean, green, lush, vibrant and new.  You can sense the activity that is going on in the soil, and between the leaves.  You can almost hear the plants growing.  Visit a riverbank after a heavy rain and you might see really fast moving mucky water carrying broken tree limbs, leaves, and even trash.  Look up at the sky just after a rain and what’s there?  Blue, white, big yellow.  Take a whiff of a post rain garden and smell it’s natural fragrances; soil, worms, flowers, mold, etc…  Why the nature lesson?  Water to the body is exactly the same as it is in nature.  Read More→

How much cardio do I have to do to lose weight?

Picture of hamburger and friesPeople ask me all the time about the amount of cardio they’ll need to do to lose weight.  The answer is simple and not so simple.  I’ll give you my top five answers.  You’ll notice that, politician-like, I don’t directly answer the question, but I hope you can get the idea of how to think about and deal with cardio.

Cardio alone won’t make you lose weight.  No amount of exercise will out do an ill-conceived nutrition plan (or one you don’t follow).  You can do two hours of cardio a day, but if you eat a hamburger, french fries and a shake for dinner, you can’t really expect to lose weight. Keep reading…

 30 – 60 minutes per day – depending… Bodies are all different, so how much cardio you have to do will depend on how intense your workout is, how big you are, how fit you are and even how old you are.  Read More→

Abs and The Three Body Weights, Three Planes, Three Levels, Three Intensities: Three, March, Cha-cha-cha!

Danced Opal this morning with a focus on Abdominals. It was actually an Abs Class. Students looked terrified, but after looking at an image of the four distinct groups of ab muscles (transverse abdominal, the internal obliques, the external obliques, and the abdominus rectus) and a brief discussion about what each group does, both in terms of movement for movement sake (ex: “moves the spine laterally”) and in terms of functional movement (ex: standing up from sitting or shoveling snow”). The tension eased.  Then, the whole routine sort of fell into place with a pelvis, chest, head focus.  Opal wins the prize (nominated by me) for routine with the biggest aerobic bang for the buck. I forgot how intense Opal is. Read More→