Archive for Nia Technique – Page 2

Unleashing Feeling, Healing and Expression with White Belt Principle 8

By: Debbie Rosas Stewart

When you watch a Nia class, it is clear every person is bringing something unique to the dance. Yes, the choreography is the same, yet each pelvis, chest and head seems to be dancing to a different drum. You see people expressing thoughts and feelings from a deep and empowering place – from the inside out. Everyone is dancing in their own way, in their body’s way.

When given the freedom to move and space to explore what feels pleasurable, a body will always move in The Body’s Way. As a teacher, knowing this gives me great confidence. If I ask my students to move and listen to their bodies – by always choosing pleasure and comfort – I can trust they will move safely and efficiently. I can trust they will increase the experience of joy and conditioning in their own bodies when I guide them to follow The Body’s Way. Read More→

Prep-Halloween Nia Jam

Costume or Comfort; You Decide

I am not putting together a play list for the halloween jam.  I’ve asked the other teachers to bring their own music and use the theme. Much of the time teachers come and teach a regular song selection.  That is fine with me. 

Based on my last Jam repertoire, I’ve decided that I will lead a few songs from the routine that we created at Kripalu last month on a Nia choreography weekend with Casey Bernstein.  I’ll be playing around with the idea of funny walks, scarey faces and a lot of hand gestures. 

Really, any routine could be transformed into a Halloween routine if you make the focus Halloween. Here’s how: Read More→

Yoga Practice First Wednesday

Getting Into Yoga

Yoga class tonight was very challenging.  Not only do I not yet know the all asanas and the right way to do them, I am very sore from Tuesday’s activities (75 minute of yoga, two Nia classes, 20 minutes elliptical machine, and 75 minutes weight lifting Chest and Triceps). Read More→

Nia Technique® Demo Class Presented by SuzWorks Wellness and City Fitness

June 14, 200912

11:30 am

Join me, Suzannah Weiss, Nia Blue Belt Instructor, for a dynamic, energizing, fun, body-mind-emotion-spirit movement class.

Nia teaches you how to listen to the voice of your body and allow the body to be your guide in discovering Dynamic Ease.

Practiced barefoot to great music, Nia is self-guided, adaptable and safe for any fitness level, from stiff beginners to highly fit athletes. Delivering cardiovascular, whole-body conditioning, Nia is based on creating a loving relationship with the body and following The Body’s Way – the innate intelligence of the body.

The most fun you’ll have in a group exercise class!

Nia Technique® Demo Class
Presented by
SuzWorks Wellness
City Fitness

Bad Back? Give it your full attention


pd_back_pain2_070530_mnI had a bad back from 1986 to 2006.  You might imagine that I figured out how to live with the pain.  I did.  I just decided that I’d always have to live with pain and that there was nothing I could do about it. For 20 years, that was true.

Now, I am essentially pain free in my lower back.  What did I do?  I finally listened to my body and followed the tried and true remedies for healing a lower back strain.  The fact is that I never gave my back a chance to heal and I never took an active role in getting well.

I am not a doctor or a physical therapist, so I recommend that anyone with a back injury see a doctor or physical therapist and get the instructions and prognosis for the injury.  After that, if you are told to do certain things, DO THEM. Read More→